
How to Prevent Tarnishing On My Jewelry?

16th Dec 2013


Every piece of jewelry you own has the possibly of tarnish or rust no matter the quality. Although fine jewelry may be less likely to tarnish or take a longer time to tarnish, the possibility is always there. Well, except for aluminum, rhodium plated and stainless steel (hence the word stainless) but even then you are still susceptible to tarnishing.. You are probably wondering: Oh no! How can I stop this? Well there are ways to control it.

  1. Keeping your jewelry away from perfume and lotions. Unfortunately the chemicals in lotions and perfumes can and will tarnish your jewelry, so before you throw on that necklace THEN spray yourself with the finest Chanel: DON’T. What you can do is spray around it, never on it and never near it.
  2. Put your jewelry in a little clear bag. We usually ship our jewelry in cute little bags (however sometimes we use jewelry boxes if the jewelry can be crushed in transit). These little bags can really keep your jewelry from tarnishing because it isn’t exposed to oxygen. Although leaving your jewelry on velvet is great, but if it isn’t a velvet pouch, it’s pretty much pointless. I have had FAKE jewelry from the dollar store from my teen years I accidentally lost and left it in a little bag and guess what? Still as good as the day I bought it.
  3. But maybe you’ve gone too far, maybe its too late and its filled with tarnish? You can simply wipe it off with our pro polish pads we have for a $1.00. Now this works on sterling silver, plated jewelry, and other named metals. It will not work well with alloy/costume jewelry; it will simply wipe off the metal completely and show the metal underneath, which is usually brass or some gray like color metal.