Inspiration: Marion Silver
BLK AND NOIR on 27th May 2015
Poor little rich girl Marion Silver.

Marion Silver is from Darren Aronofsky’s Requiem For A Dream. Let us warn you, this movie is a masterpiece, but this film is also the kind of film that could make a grown man cry. Marion is a rich girl with a messed up family who meets Harry. They come together to deal drugs in hopes to raise money for the American Dream. Well lets just say, its called Requiem for A Dream for a reason. Marion doesn’t wear much jewelry but her style of dress and makeup is quite dark but with this kind of movie I guess she wouldn’t be wearing a sundress now would she?

What would Marion wear? We assume something simple with meaning. A jewelry piece that has sentimental value that she couldn't lose when she is enduring all she has to.
