
Interview With Amy of Vagabond Youth

BLK AND NOIR on 22nd Jan 2016


One day we were working on orders when we saw a name we recognized! We thought maybe we had imagined it, maybe this isn't the blogger Amy Lee. But nope! It was thee Amy Lee, blogger of Vagabond Youth shopping at our shop. Of course we had to interview her!

Name: Amy Lee aka Vagabond Youth


Los Angeles, CA


full time student, Youtuber, French fry enthusiast

Describe your jewelry style in your own words?

Minimalist and edgy. Lots of silver and black.

Where does the inspiration come from? Did you always like this style?

I used to read a lot of blogs and magazines like i-D, Interview, Lua, etc but now I just find inspiration from everyday life: the streets of LA, my friends, local musicians. I think my inspiration changes on a day to day basis.

Do you prefer silver or gold? and why?

Silver when I'm fairer skinned. Gold when I'm more tan! But typically I'll always go for silver.

Do you like being online famous?

LOL I don't consider myself famous in any sense. But it's really cool (and super weird) to know there's a group of people online who really like me!

Do people often recognize you in public?

Yeah it happened a lot more after I let people know where I go to school. I guess that's because a large portion of my audience is college girls!

What’s a typical day for you?

I'm in university so it's usually class in the morning, gym for an hour, go home and shower and feed myself (my snapchat followers know I cook a lot!), edit or film a video, and depending on the night, dinner with a school friend or a party at the apartments or a YouTube PR blogger event. My days are different everyday but that's usually how it goes. I like to think I get a full 24 hours of action haha.

What do you think about fashion?

It's one of my favorite art forms.

I kinda really hate, but can understand, the perceived superficiality and judgment behind it as a vain pursuit. But that's why I also love it. People who love fashion as a form of art and a means of expression can bask in the inside joke of what outsiders can't understand. We get it. It's more than clothes.

What music are you listening to recently (songs that are currently your favs)?

I just went to EDC for the first time even though I'm not a huge EDM fan but I really love 90s by Nature by Showtek. He was amazing live. Teenage Fantasy by Cherokee (ft Gibbz) also gives me post EDC feels because my friends and I listened to it on repeat on the way there. There's this French artist called Yseult who I love! Dear in your Headlights by Blondfire is one of my favorite songs right now too.

If you could pick another jewelry piece out of our store what would you chose?

Probably the heart tag that says 'fuck off,' I actually really wanted to buy it but I went for something more practical as a first purchase hehe

Do you love us? (HA you don’t have to answer that, but you can!)

YES. Such great minimal jewelry, totally up my alley.

What are your plans for the future ?

Just graduate university and find a job I like! (aka continue doing YouTube hopefully)

Where can we see more of you?

Instagram / Twitter @amyvagabondd