BLK AND NOIR. on 16th Aug 2014
Joyce Meursing
The Netherlands
Freelance photographer/video-grapher and blogger
Describe your jewelry style in your own words
When it comes to jewelry I more the kind of girl that goes for a more minimal style. I don't wear a lot of jewelry, but when I do it's mostly really fine and gold.
Where does the inspiration comes from? Did you always like this style
I get inspired by everything. From people I see on the street, to inspiring images I find on instagram, tumblr, blogs or pinterest. Before I didn't have a typical jewelry style and just went for everything I liked. Currently I go for more delicate pieces that fits more into my minimal and tomboy style. I would never wear typical girl jewelry pieces because I don't feel comfortable in it.
Do you prefer silver of gold? and why?
I prefer gold because it fits nice with my bit darker skintone. But I also love to combine several styles with each other. Like mixing rose gold with gold and silver. I wear it all!
Where does the inspiration comes from? Did you always like this style
I get inspired by everything. From people I see on the street, to inspiring images I find on instagram, tumblr, blogs or pinterest. Before I didn't have a typical jewelry style and just went for everything I liked. Currently I go for more delicate pieces that fits more into my minimal and tomboy style. I would never wear typical girl jewelry pieces because I don't feel comfortable in it.
Do you prefer silver of gold? and why?
I prefer gold because it fits nice with my bit darker skintone. But I also love to combine several styles with each other. Like mixing rose gold with gold and silver. I wear it all!
I haven't got one special designer/place where I buy my jewelry at the moment. As I said before, I always go for minimal pieces and I got my current favorite pieces from H&M, Zara & Asos. Most of the time my jewelry pieces aren't that expensive - maybe because I'm too afraid to lose them.
Where can we see more of you?
- my blog:
- instagram: @justlikesushi
- facebook: